Most people will use their garage for storage of personal belongings as well as their car. A garage is often attached to your home and has a large rolling door that can be opened manually or with a motor. The motorized garage doors are a great commodity that most people enjoy to make their life easier. The garage door has several ways that it can be opened remotely. One way to engage the garage door motor is the button that is attached to the inside of the garage. It is normally next to the door that leads in and out of your home. You might also have a keypad outside the garage on the wall. This leaves access to anyone that you choose to give the code to. The most common way to access your garage is with the remote clicker. The clicker is in your car on the visor or kept in your purse or bag. The clicker is set with a code that is linked to your motor when the garage door is installed. On occasion you may come across a reason to have that code reset. AAA Action Garage Doors lists reasons to change your garage door code and how to reset it.
Why Would You Need to Reset & Change Your Garage Door Code?
There are several reasons you may need to reset your remote for your garage door. One is if you have your remote in your car or truck and it is stolen. If the remote has been stolen out of your car or bag, the person that stole it can come back at any time to get access to your garage and your home. You might have just lost the remote or broken one and you need to replace it with a new remote. Another reason can be if you have given a clicker to a roommate or a friend that you have lost touch with. They might not give the remote back but still have it and with it access to the garage and your personal belongings. These are some of the most common reasons that you might need to reset the code on your garage door.
How Do You Erase the Garage Door Codes?
This is a procedure that is best left to a professional. They will know where to find the buttons and how to access them. If you choose to look into it you will need to have access to a ladder. You will need to be able to get access to the motor that is usually hanging inside the garage overhead. The motor is where the button is that will reset the codes that are currently set to the garage. First find the button labeled learn. Once you have access to it you want to press and hold the button down until the lights go off. This is the step needed to clear off the codes that were used with your old clicker and remote.
How Do I Reprogram the Clicker or Keypad & Set a New Garage Door Code?
You need to still get to the learn button but also your clicker that you want to set to the motor. Press the learn button and the button on the clicker at the same time. You can repeat the process with each clicker that you are replacing and resetting. Test out the clicker to ensure that the reset has worked.
Garage Door Repairs & More in Las Vegas, Summerlin, North LV, Paradise, Enterprise, Sunrise Manor, Spring Valley & Henderson Nevada
AAA Action Garage Doors offers garage door remote resets, repairs and more in Greater Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact us for all your garage door needs.