Your garage is a great place that houses not only your car, but other important items like your tools, recreation vehicles, the kid’s bikes and your camping gear. Garages are a popular place to put a second refrigerator or deep freeze as well. Garages are a great place to set up a work shop, or even a place to watch the game, with a television installed and a place to relax. Garages are a great place to fill with your specific needs and activities. One of the most frustrating experiences is when your garage door refuses to work properly. A busted garage door can ruin your day, take up time you do not have and throw a wrench in your schedule.
Garage Door Clicker Battery Replacement
There are a few common mishaps that occur with garage doors that with the help of a professional can be easily and quickly repaired. The most common issue with garage doors that occur is that the door simply will not open. If your garage door is not opening, it could be something as simple as a dead battery on your clicker. Check your garage remote and put in a fresh battery to make sure that it has the power it requires. You could have your garage door opening again for only the cost of a few new batteries.
Garage Door Inspection Checklist
If the batteries in your garage door remote control are not the problem, your best option is to call a professional to come perform a garage door inspection. During the inspection, the professional will go through a list of inspection points to determine exactly what it is that is causing your garage door to malfunction. A professional technician will go step by step until the problem is determined and the issue is solved.
Garage Door Sounds Loud
If your garage door has begun to make loud noises as it opens and closes, this is another job for a professional technician. This problem requires simple garage door maintenance work like tightening nuts and bolts and lubricating the chain drive. A professional technician can repair the loudness of your garage door fairly quickly. If your garage door is just normally noisy, consider having a new garage door installed.
Garage Door Opening & Closing Too Quickly
One of the more dangerous issues that occurs with automatic garage doors is when they begin to open and close much too quickly. This is a big safety hazard for you and your family and should be addressed as soon as possible. Make sure that your family and any visitors you may have stay away from your garage door until you can have it professional repaired. Your garage door may be in need of adjusting or you may be dealing with broken cables.
Professional Garage Door Installation, Replacement, Inspection, Adjustment, Emergency Repair & Preventative Maintenance in Las Vegas, Summerlin, North Las Vegas & Henderson Nevada
If you are experiencing any difficulties with your garage door, contact AAA Action Garage Doors today.