Just like any other part of your home, it can be difficult to know when it is time to simply repair your garage door and when it will be in your best interest to replace it entirely. This is always a difficult decision and doesn’t usually have a clear answer. However, when you’re faced with this problem, you want to know what the best answer is to your conundrum. AAA Action Garage Doors is here to talk about when you should repair your garage door and when it makes more sense to replace it.
When It is Best to Replace a Garage Door
Following we would like to talk about some of the instances where it makes more sense to replace your garage door rather than repair it.
– Safety Features: If your garage door doesn’t have any safety features built into it, you may want to consider replacing it with something that will give your family the safety that you’re looking for. This may be especially true if you have small children.
– Age of Garage Door: If your garage door is over 20 years old, you may want to replace it rather than making more repairs to a door that is always going to simply be an old garage door. A new garage door can give your curb appeal a real boost and increase your property value.
– Weather Damage: The effects of mother nature on your garage door can be severe. Wind, snow, sun and hail can all have a big impact on your garage door. It can cause problems from warping to sun fading and may require replacement.
– Wood Rot: If you have wooden garage doors and are noticing that there are signs of wood rot on your doors, you will certainly be faced with replacement rather than repair.
When Should You Repair VS Replace Garage Door?
There are some instances where it certainly makes more sense to repair your garage door rather than replace it.
– Single Panel Damage: If only one of your garage door’s panels has been damaged, you can likely have that panel repaired or replaced and still get plenty of years out of your garage door.
– Sagging Garage Door: Anytime your garage door is sagging, it is likely a balance issue that can easily be fixed rather than replacing the garage door.
– Sudden Garage Door Break Down: Just because your garage door suddenly breaks down, that doesn’t mean you have to replace it. You could be dealing with a small issue that just needs to be looked at by a professional.
– Budget: You may not have the budget to replace your garage door completely. If your budget won’t allow it, you can always have the garage door repaired to get some more time out of it.
Garage Door Maintenance, Repair & Replacement Services & More in Aliante, Centennial, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Lone Mountain Village, North LV, Peccole Ranch, Paradise, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Tuscany Village, Whitney, Winchester & Las Vegas Nevada
If you’re facing garage door problems, you can turn to AAA Action Garage Doors to help you determine whether you are better of repairing or replacing your garage door. Call us today!