Your garage door should have regular inspections and maintenance done to be sure that the door is operating properly and is not in need of repairs. The garage door is a large door that works with a motor and springs that are remotely activated to open and close it. There are several kind of garage doors and size options but no matter the style or type, we find that the most common service call requests and reported problems are the same.
AAA Action Doors outlines a list of the most common garage door problems and how to fix them!
Battery In Garage Door Clicker Is Dead
It may seem silly but this is a major reason that customers call and have their garage door repaired. They assume that something major has gone on and that they need to have the motor replaced or a spring is broken. In fact the battery on the remote clicker that is usually housed in your vehicle is dead and all that needs to be done is to replace it and you are back up and running.
Garage Door Photo Eye Sensor Has Been Knocked Out Of Alignment
This is the small sensor that is placed on each side of the garage usually about 12 inches off the ground. The sensor is able to tell if there is anything that is blocking the path so that it will open back up and stop any damage to the garage door and whatever is in its path. The sensor can be easily knocked out of line and that would make the garage assume that there is something in the path and it will not close. A professional can come and check the alignment and put it back level.
Garage Door Motor is Running But the Door Won’t Open
This is a common problem with garage doors. You hit the clicker and the motor comes to life but the door won’t start moving. The garage door is not the problem and the motor isn’t either. The problem is usually with the springs that are attached to the door and will pull the door open when it is engaged by the motor. The springs can be replaced with a new spring but it should be done be a professional.
Garage Door Loud Noises When Opening and Closing
One of the many complaints that we get is that when the door is opening and closing it makes a lot of noise. The problem most of the time is that the door has been hung un-leveled and the noise is because the door is moving up the track that has been attached incorrectly. This will cause a lot of noise that can be an annoyance expecially if you are opening and closing your garage door at late night hours or when people are sleeping.